Newsletter 25:3 (74) has been issued.
Phonological Studies 24 (issued in March, 2021) has been finally sent out!
For the moment, we have sent copies to those who live in Japan and hold the PhSJ membership as of March 2021, having paid their membership fee for year 2020. For our members living abroad, please wait a little longer. We will send them to you at a later date.
Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience this has caused, and thank you for your understanding.
Due to the extension of the COVID-19 State of Emergency until September 12, we will once again postpone the delivery of Phonological Studies 24. Should it be delayed any further after early-September, we will notify you again on this webpage and by email.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
We have decided to offer an exemption of this year’s annual membership fee (JPY4,000) for our student members in order to financially support them during this time of the pandemic.
Those who are willing to support our society can be Sustaining Members (membership fee: JPY10,000). Please contact our Treasurer for the details.
Phonology Forum 2021 will be held as follows.
Date: August 23-25, 2021
Place: On-line (Zoom)
Registration fee: Free
Program (pdf) (updated on August 23)
Keynote presentations:
Talk by the new PhSJ President:
Symposium: "Research with Online Methods" (co-sponsored by the United Association of Language Studies)
Invited talk:
As the COVID-19 State of Emergency has been extended, we will have to further delay the delivery of Phonological Studies 24. We plan to send the issues to our members once the state of emergency is lifted in early September. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
The latest newsletter Newsletter 25:2 (73) has been issued.
Following the declaration of a state of emergency for the Tokyo area, we have once again decided to delay the delivery of Phonological Studies 24. We will start sending the copies as soon as the state of emergency is lifed on August 24.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
Phonological Studies 24 has been issued. We normally send our members a hardcopy of the journal along with the first newsletter of the year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however, we have decided to delay the delivery of the latest issue. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
Phonology Forum 2021 will be held. There will be presentations by guest speakers from South Korea and other parts of the world, a recent Ph.D. recipient, as well as general presenters. We will also hold a symposium on "Research with Online Methods" (co-sponsored by the United Association of Language Studies).
Date: August 23-25, 2021
Place: On-line
You are invited to submit an abstract for presentation. See Newsletter 25:1 (72) for the details.
For the detailed program, please see the next issue of the newsletter.
The program of the Spring Meeting 2021 is now available.
Place: On-line (Zoom)
Date: June 19, 2021
Newsletter 25:1 (72) has been issued.
The Spring Meeting 2021 of the Phonological Society of Japan (PHSJ) will be held.
Date: June 25, 2021 → Saturday, June 19, 2021
Place: Tokyo Metropolitan University, Minami-Osawa Campus → On-line
NB: The date and venue have been changed.
A General Member Meeting is scheduled after the event. Information on registration is to be announced.
You are invited to submit an abstract for presentation. See Newsletter 24:3 (71) for the details.
Newsletter 24:3 (71) has been issued.
Phonology Festa 16 (2021) will be held virtually on March 8-9.
Place: On-line (Zoom)
Date: March 8-9, 2021
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Phonology Forum 2020 will be held virtually.
Date & Time: August 28th, 1:00pm - August 30th, 4:25pm
Place: On-line (Zoom)
Registration: Free
Program: Program (pdf)
Keynote Lectures
Newsletter 24:2 (70) has been issued.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to hold this year's Phonology Forum virtually.
Date: August 28-30, 2020
Place: On-line (platform to be announced)
Please note that the date and venue were changed from what had been announced in the latest newsletter.
The abstract deadline remains "June 30, 2020."
We normally send our members a hardcopy of our journal Phonological Studies along with the first newsletter of the year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however, we have decided to delay the delivery of the latest issue. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. The table of contents of each issue is available on the "Back Issues" page (under "PhSJ Journal: Phonological Studies") on this website.
The Spring Meeting of the PHSJ 2020 will be held virtually (not in person), using the Zoom web conferencing platform. The event will start at 1pm on Friday June 19, as it was originally planned. We will have a General Member Meeting after the event.
As we get closer to the date (by late-June or 10 days before the event at the latest), we will give our members more information about how to participate in the virtual meeting by email or by post.
If you are a non-member and wish to attend the meeting, please e-mail Takeru Honma at:
takeru.honma+phsj★ (replace the star with an at sign)
Following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), we are currently discussing whether or not we should hold the Spring Meeting as scheduled. We will notify you of our decision by late-April on this website as well as through the official email list for those who are subscribed.
The goal of the Phonological Society of Japan is to contribute to the development of research in the field of phonology.
All with an interest in phonology are welcome to join the Society.
For more information, please refer to the constitution or or contact the secretariat.
The Phonological Society of Japan is affiliated with the United Association of Language Studies (UALS). Please refer to the UALS website for more information.